It has been a very busy couple of weeks at Scarlett Boutique and I want to thank EVERYONE for the awesome response you have had to my things. I cannot tell you what fun I am having creating all these fun things for you guys! I feel like a little girl opening up a new box of crayons everyday, I love it!
Below are just a few of the items I have made for some wonderful mothers, I hope they all enjoy them!
Here are a couple of items I got to make for two (almost three!) very special customers for their Mama. Claire and Owen love to sit with me while I work on my projects, well, Claire does, Owen just terrorizes the place! I thought it would be nice to put each of their handprints on the back of this canvas for a sweet memory and Claire loved every minute of that. But Owen, not so much. You would have thought I was putting his hand in scalding water or flesh eating acid, not just some ordinary red paint! So much for that idea, we got a perfect little handprint from Claire, from Owen, one fingerprint! Anyway, this is for my daughter, a Mom that wears many hats and wears them as well as any queen should. She is going to put this canvas and matching box in her office.

This is a prayer box, special request for a Mama that LOVES pink!

This prayer box is for a special Step-mother, love the quote she requested!

This box is for my Mom, I think it is one of my best yet. Hope she loves it!

Happy Mothers Day everyone!