Happy "Its a Tuesday and the baby slept for two straight hours, I got to put on actual big girl makeup, and it may be out of a box, but here is your dinner, honey!"
Happy "Mama is exhausted after working all day so here is your chicken mcnuggets, served with love and affection!"
Happy "Here is your fancy gourmet dinner, made with my own two hands because you are the most wonderful, handsome, understanding husband in the world, and by the way, I wrecked the car this afternoon!"
Happy "Jesus loves me, faults and all, and forgives me even though I swore at the top of my lungs when I stubbed my toe on the sofa this morning, I am pretty sure it is broken, you know!"
Happy "Here is your special anniversary dinner darling, even though I know you forgot this very special day, I didn't and never will and I shall be the bigger person and not hold it against you, again...sigh...!"
Happy "I am more than I deserved blessed and I will be thankful and honor God in everything I do"!

How great is this, you can use it for "everything"!!
The color is not that great in this picture, it is actually apple green with watermelon pink, but as always, you can get it in any color combination you like.
Have a blessed day!